Impact of virgin plastic tax on enterprises

Impact of virgin plastic tax on enterprises   New virgin plastic tax rules: environmental impact The main aim of this new tax is to generate a significant positive impact on the environment. According to the Ministry for Ecological Transition, the increase in the final price of single-use products will lead to a 50% reduction in disposable products by 2026, and a 70% reduction by 2030. In addition, the regulation aims to incentive development and research into new technologies that will lead to more sustainable

Breast Cancer Awarness Day

#October19th  #BreastCancerAwarnessDay 💗 From Gaviplas we send all our strength and support to all the women of the world who are currently struggling with this harsh disease! You all are truly fighters! and remember that an early detection can save lives!

Can a pouch be a pouch again? Meet the Team

Live Webinar Thursday, 14 October 2021 | 3 – 4 pm CET | 9 – 10 am EST Collaboration is truly the key to success. And it is vital for building a circular economy for plastic packaging 🔁 What can we achieve when we collaborate? Dow, HP, Reifenhäuser, Cadel Deinking and Karlville are showing the way by working together to demonstrate that it by applying joint know-how is possible to recycle one recyclable barrier pouch into another high-quality pouch again.  Join our webinar to meet and discuss with

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